Customer Quality Engineer

Place of  work:  Piešťany, (job with occasional home office)

Working time: Flexible working hours (core time 9,30-15,00)

Salary: From 2 500 EUR, depends on candidate’s experience

Job description:

Customer Quality Engineer acting as customer advocate and driving activities to support product quality performance during lifetime of product starting from qualification and during  supply to customer.

  • Coordinate product issues resolution, collaborate with global teams and drive task force to case resolution.
  • Understand customer needs and requirements to develop effective quality control processes.
  • Monitor product performance at customer and initiate and support improvement programs.
  • Report KPI results on monthly basis, including deep understanding of data trends.
  • Identify key corrective/preventive actions impacting KPI and tack them to closure.
  • Align with corporate customer quality and product quality to support customer incidents, supplier issues, and failure analysis investigations to meet designated cycle times for resolution in automotive, commercial, and industrial segments.


  • BS in Engineering (Electrotechnical Engineering).
  • Minimum 7 years of experience in electronics or semiconductor product area.
  • Basic understanding of automotive quality management systems (IATF16949, APQP, PPAP) preferred.
  • Self-driven and self-motivated.
  • Capability of cross-functional collaboration and working in different team dynamics.
  • Mindset to drive continuous improvement related to product and processes.

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    Životopis / CV - povolené typy: pdf, docx, doc, rtf, odt, jpg. Veľkosť do 2MB

    Zaškrtnutím políčka udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním a uchovávaním svojich osobných údajov (uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, prípadne osobných údajov získaných pri osobnom pohovore) prevádzkovateľovi ON Semiconductor Slovakia, a.s., so sídlom Vrbovská cesta 2617/102 Piešťany, 921 01, IČO: 36227943. Poskytnuté údaje budú spracované pre účely evidencie uchádzačov o zamestnanie v súlade so všeobecným nariadením o ochrane údajov.
    Súhlas udeľujem na dobu určitú, konkrétne na obdobie 3 rokov.

    Ako dotknutá osoba máte právo súhlas kedykoľvek odvolať. Za účelom viacstupňového schvaľovacieho procesu budú Vaše údaje nahraté do globálneho systému ,,Taleo“.
    V tomto systéme budú Vaše údaje uchovávané po dobu 6 mesiacov.
    (bližšie informácie)

    Jana Poliaková