Analytics and Intranet Specialist

Do you love diving deep into metrics, building out analytics, identifying outliers, and creating insights that drive strategy? Do you get excited about pivot tables, dynamic charts, web design and dashboards? Do you have the unique ability to take technical concepts and translate them for end-users in a way that educates and inspires them?

onsemi is looking for technical talent to join the corporate communications team, who will be responsible for informing our metrics-based communications strategy and driving our intranet adoption and engagement efforts. This position will shape the growth of our intranet, redesigning key pages, consulting with internal business partners in building out each group’s intranet presence, driving intranet adoption and engagement, educating key contacts on self-service resources available to them, and providing analytics and best practices to effectively evolve our digital communications strategy. The role reports to the brand marketing and communications manager.


Place of  work:  Bratislava,  (job with occasional home office)

Working time: Flexible working hours (core time 9,30-15,00)

Salary: From 2 500 EUR, depends on candidate’s experience

Job description:

  • Supporting SharePoint site updates and redesign requests for the brand and communications department.
  • Providing consultative support to internal business partners in the development of their own SharePoint intranet pages.
  • Creating a library of tools and resources that empower colleagues in their use of the intranet.
  • Acting as a key liaison to various internal departments for intranet education, adoption and engagement.
  • Maintaining the department’s metrics dashboard, tracking performance across the communications tech stack on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
  • Regularly conducting analytics and providing metric reports with insights to key stakeholders.
  • Serve as a key member and technical resources for the communications team, helping to plan, communicate and execute on corporate communication strategies.


  • 5+ years of equivalent working experience
  • Experience with creating, designing, editing and updating SharePoint sites (or a comparable CMS), webpages, web parts, document folders, lists, image libraries and workflow creation.
  • Experience with accessing and interpreting SharePoint reporting and analytics, Power BI, Google Analytics and similar platforms.
  • Strength in working with colleagues across functions and developing relationships at all levels of the organization, confident and comfortable interacting with a wide range of people and personalities.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Active level of English.

Contact us:

    Životopis / CV - povolené typy: pdf, docx, doc, rtf, odt, jpg. Veľkosť do 2MB

    Zaškrtnutím políčka udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním a uchovávaním svojich osobných údajov (uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, prípadne osobných údajov získaných pri osobnom pohovore) prevádzkovateľovi ON Semiconductor Slovakia, a.s., so sídlom Vrbovská cesta 2617/102 Piešťany, 921 01, IČO: 36227943. Poskytnuté údaje budú spracované pre účely evidencie uchádzačov o zamestnanie v súlade so všeobecným nariadením o ochrane údajov.
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    Ako dotknutá osoba máte právo súhlas kedykoľvek odvolať. Za účelom viacstupňového schvaľovacieho procesu budú Vaše údaje nahraté do globálneho systému ,,Taleo“.
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    Patricia Fruzicova