Global Event Demo Support Marketing Specialist


We are seeking a diligent and detail-oriented Marketing Demo Support Specialist to manage the logistics, and support of technical demos, ensuring our demos are stocked, shipped, received, and presented flawlessly. This position will report to the Manager, Global Campaigns and Content Marketing within the Corporate Marketing organization.

Place of  work:  Piestany,  (job with occasional home office)

Working time: Flexible working hours (core time 9,30-15,00)

Salary: From 1 500 EUR, depends on candidate’s experience

Job description:

Demo Logistics Coordination:

  • Plan and coordinate the shipping of demo equipment to global event trade shows, seminars, conferences, channel events & trainings, HR job fairs locations.
  • Ensure all demo items are properly packaged and labeled for safe transport.
  • Support booking the demos for the events in line with Sales/FAE/Marketing requests, sending demos to various events and related logistics, tracking the status in reservation system.
  • Prepare commercial invoices and other documents for international shipping.
  • Regional touch-points, may include regular centralized synchronized meetings across locations / teams, also by supporting prioritized events.
  • Communicate with vendors and shipping partners to ensure timely and secure delivery of demo equipment.

Inventory Management:

  • Maintain an inventory of all demo equipment and promotional materials.
  • Track the condition and availability of demo items, ensuring they are in good working order.

Documentation and Reporting:

  • Document processes for shipping and inventory of demo equipment globally.
  • Provide post-event reports on demo performance, issues encountered, and suggestions for improvement.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field.
  • 2-3 years of Admin, Sales or Marketing experience, preferably in high-tech, B2B companies.
  • Project management skills with the ability to prioritize multiple projects.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills, organizational skills.
  • Fluent English Language.

Contact us:

    Životopis / CV - povolené typy: pdf, docx, doc, rtf, odt, jpg. Veľkosť do 2MB

    Zaškrtnutím políčka udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním a uchovávaním svojich osobných údajov (uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, prípadne osobných údajov získaných pri osobnom pohovore) prevádzkovateľovi ON Semiconductor Slovakia, a.s., so sídlom Vrbovská cesta 2617/102 Piešťany, 921 01, IČO: 36227943. Poskytnuté údaje budú spracované pre účely evidencie uchádzačov o zamestnanie v súlade so všeobecným nariadením o ochrane údajov.
    Súhlas udeľujem na dobu určitú, konkrétne na obdobie 3 rokov.

    Ako dotknutá osoba máte právo súhlas kedykoľvek odvolať. Za účelom viacstupňového schvaľovacieho procesu budú Vaše údaje nahraté do globálneho systému ,,Taleo“.
    V tomto systéme budú Vaše údaje uchovávané po dobu 6 mesiacov.
    (bližšie informácie)

    Jana Poliaková