Financial Control Manager

Place of  work:  Piešťany, (job with occasional home office)

Working time: Flexible working hours (core time 9,30-15,00)

Salary: From 3 600 EUR, depends on candidate’s experience

Job description:

  • Supervision the team of the controllers
  • Responsible for accounting of foreign entities
  • Monthly closing work
  • Internal reporting (cash flow forecast, cash taxes etc.)
  • Preparation of annual financial statements.  Ensure internal and external deadlines are met, ensure compliance with local laws
  • Conduct regular financial audits and provide support for external audits
  • Responsible for tax returns – Ensure internal and external deadlines are met, ensure compliance with local laws, Responsible for tax packages – income tax provision calculation and booking
  • Responsible for balance sheet trend control
  • R&D and Sales Support: Collaborate with R&D and Sales teams to provide financial insights, support strategic decision making, and help achieve business objectives
  • Risk Management: Develop and document business processes and accounting policies to maintain and improve internal controls
  • Assist with special projects as requested


  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Finance, or related field
  • Minimum of 5 years of accounting experience, with at least 5 years in a management role
  • Experience in the international company and international business is highly desirable
  • Strong knowledge of IFRS, GAAP, and tax laws and procedures
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and accounting software
  • Excellent communication, leadership, and project management skills

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    Zaškrtnutím políčka udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním a uchovávaním svojich osobných údajov (uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, prípadne osobných údajov získaných pri osobnom pohovore) prevádzkovateľovi ON Semiconductor Slovakia, a.s., so sídlom Vrbovská cesta 2617/102 Piešťany, 921 01, IČO: 36227943. Poskytnuté údaje budú spracované pre účely evidencie uchádzačov o zamestnanie v súlade so všeobecným nariadením o ochrane údajov.
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    V tomto systéme budú Vaše údaje uchovávané po dobu 6 mesiacov.
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    Miroslava Kuckova